What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is one of those cosmetic procedures that most people have heard of, or seen in spas. If you ever wanted to try it or just wondered what it is – this is the text for you.  In this blog…

Rajunir blog post

DIY Skincare Tips to Avoid

The number of people swearing in wonders from using DIY skincare tips has been rapidly increasing lately. Hacks like lemon juice and toothpaste are apparently healing common skin problems like acne bumps and dark spots. But the ugly truth behind…

Rajeunir Black Caviar

The Meaning of Rejuvenation

re·​ju·​ve·​na·​tionPlural: rejuvenationsDefinition of rejuvenation:The action of rejuvenating or the state of being rejuvenated: restoration of youthful vigor The current situation and the #stayathome situation are bringing most of the world’s population to an unknown territory. We are isolated, alone, but…

Tips on how to start eating healthy

Eating healthy is very time-consuming and expensive. I know it will be a difficult process to start eating healthy but I promise you, it will bring more benefits to your overall health. You will see a difference in the way…

Couple Spa Day

In life, a lot of things happens and sometimes we get a little disconnected with our partner. It is not by choice but life continues to throw things. There is one thing I always suggest to do when things aren’t…